Friday, January 27, 2012

Tweets 718 Through 802

LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky New Mexico legislature plans to adjourn on Feb. 16 and be the first state to end regular legislative business for 2012. 52 minutes ago FavoriteReplyDelete LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Where is compassion in state government for its poorest residents who need food stamps or who are losing intellectual disability services? 1 hour ago PA Supreme Court Justice Justice Max Baer says formal #redistricting ruling will take at least a week to issue. 21 hours ago Retweeted by LeonCzikowsky washingtonpostThe Washington Post #BREAKINGNEWS: Obama proposal would shrink Pentagon budget for the first time since 1998 22 hours ago Retweeted by LeonCzikowsky LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Pittsburgh is 6th most literate city in US; Philadelphia is 31st. 23 hours ago LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky 21 states and DC require school attendance until age 18. Penna. mandates school attendance until age 17. 23 hours ago LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky John Tyler, only President to die no longer a US citizen, was born in 1790. Two of his grandsons are alive today. 25 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky There are 44,000 government levels concerning transportation. 29 states, but not Penna, have coordinating councils. 25 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Tax Foundation rankings of states with best business tax climates: DE 12th best, PA 19, WV 23, OH 39, NY 49, NJ 50. 25 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Over half of Fed sponsored clinical drug tests unpublished after 30 months. Pharmaceuticals often bury results. 25 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Former Phila. District Attorney Legislation Unit Chief Gary Tennis named Drug and Alcohol Programs Secretary. 24 Jan AngelasInkAngela Couloumbis Goes to show, good old fashioned complaining is effective. Press allowed in to bill signing, but @GovernorCorbett won't answer Qs 24 Jan Retweeted by LeonCzikowsky AngelasInkAngela Couloumbis This is a first: @GovernorCorbett barring press from attending a "mock" bill signing in his reception room, where there is big crowd 24 Jan Retweeted by LeonCzikowsky LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky 16.8% of Penna. students are in special education. Range 18.4% in RI to 8.8% in TX: 24 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky It turns out 269 trillion cubic feet of Marcellus shale doesn't exist after all. 24 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Leading cause of death for age 3-14 from vehicle crash. 46% killed were not appropriately using seat /safety belt. 24 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky "New Jersey hopes to become the “epicenter” of online gambling" according to: 24 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky High school graduates: 16,067 Penna. chose out of state college; 30,408 out of state graduates chose a Penna. college. 24 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky The official Penna. December 2011 unemployment rate was 7.6%. 24 Jan wilsonpcnCorinna VecseyWilson "Honest Man," State Treasurer Budd Dwyer documentary, on PCN tonight at 7, Sunday at 2. Believe it or not, it's been 25 years. 20 Jan Retweeted by LeonCzikowsky LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky More states changed their primary/caucus dates in 2012 than in 2008, 2004, or 2000. 12 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky People drink alcohol to enjoy opiod release in brain. Medical treatment looks at brain reactions. 12 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Why alcohol drinkers drink, and hope that improving naltrexone may help overcome alcohol dependency: 12 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Moderate medical marijuana use may actually help the lungs and won't damage them. 10 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky There are no legislative sessions scheduled in 2012 in four states: Texas, Nevada, North Carolina, and Montana. 9 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky The National Family Caregivers Assn estimates 65 million care for someone at home with severe illness or a injury. 9 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky @ @David_Vitale @josie_vitale Thank you for your information. Rep. Cohen has a bill for a non-addictive pain relief, HB 1653. Another topic. 6 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Thank you to @David_Vitale for the tweet on the pain signal blocker operation. 2nd ever such operation done in an Allentown hospital. 6 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Operation implanted a pain signal blocker.,0,2670940,full.story 6 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Prescription drug overdoses: 15,000 deaths and 250,000 hospitalizations. 6 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Penna. leads the nation in the number of people with pre-existing medical conditions enrolling in Federal stopgap health insurance. 4 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Belarus takes a major step backwards in banning reading foreign web sites: 3 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Congratulations to Hungarians fighting against rolling back democracy and press freedoms. 3 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Happy new year. Don't phone or text while driving. Pay attention to what you're doing. This will bring better health in 2012. 1 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Happy new year. If we prioritized more on stopping human trafficking, we would help many from suffering. 1 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Happy new year. Civil unions are now legal in neighboring Delaware and Hawaii. Cohen HB 708 would make them legal in Pennsylvania. 1 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Russia cracking down on protestors. Hopefully the public will rise and demand more freedom and clean democracy: 1 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky @ @Andy_Surra I wish you great willpower as you tackle the most dependent substance there is. Remember, you can win this! 1 Jan LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Problem with synthetic marijuana ban: makers change it to get around ban: 29 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky NCSL photos of holidays at Capitols. Three Pennsylvania photos are from me. (The camera did all the work.): 23 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Susquehanna River and others may lose flood warning gauges: 20 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Official Penna. November 2011 unemployment rate was 7.9%. 20 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Shortages of life saving drugs, by definition, will compromise health care: 19 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky We have power! Not political power, electrical power. 15 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Term limits may weaken legislative effectiveness: 14 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Human Services Committee approves bill for insuring Lyme disease patients. Earlier treatment will help lives and save long term health costs 14 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Governors Gregoire (WA) and Chafee(RI) ask Feds to classify marijuana as having medical use:,0,1015365.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fnews%2Fpolitics+%28L.A.+Times+-+Politics%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher 1 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky If you wish to college and not have a lot of debt, go to Penn (or Princeton, Williams, Howard or Harvard): 1 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Nationwide, state government revenues are increasing: 1 Dec LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky @MayorBloomberg Sure, NYPC is the "7th largest" army in the world, but Penna. deer hunters are the "5th largest" army in the world. 30 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky It costs money to keep a democracy going: 28 Nov StateRepCohenPAMark B. Cohen via @phillydotcom ALTERED STATES: MEDICAL POT IN NJ, PA. #PhiladelphiaDailyNews covers my support of #medicalmarijuana. 28 Nov Retweeted by LeonCzikowsky LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Official Penna. unemployment rate for October 2011 was 8.1%. 22 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Telehealth will help increase health care access: 21 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Penna and 2 other states were half of those helped by the federal Emergency Homeowners' Loan Program: 21 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky 15 states, but not Penna., enacted Fed mandated Sex Offender Notification and Registration law by deadline: 11 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky US Army and Geological Survey conclude fracking can cause earthquakes: 10 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky 2,000 school based health centers provide health services to two million, many uninsured or underinsured children. 9 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky The 10 largest financial institutions control 1/5 world finances, top 50 firms control 40%. Most are interlinked: 8 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky I was the tenth voter in Harrisburg ward 4 around 7:30. Too early to tell, but turnout appears light, but the day is young. 8 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Courier-Times / Intelligencer editorial supports establishing the Drugs and Alcohol Programs Department: 7 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Pennsylvania is allocated $113,138,188 from US Health and Human Services Dept. for Fiscal Year 2012 Low Income Home Energy Assisstance. 4 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Remember, do not get eaten by a whale. It is not good for your health. - 3 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky A great political ad (from Poland): 3 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky @ @SurraOutdoors There definitely has been a philosophical shift from the Pinchot years to today. 3 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky New Jersey Governor Christie seeks to privatize parks: 3 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky 31 states, none of them Penna., regulate tanning facilities: 3 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky People may give pollsters issue answers they believe are socially desired yet vote another way in privacy of balloting: 3 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky States talking steps to prevent and track falls by the elderly: 2 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Reps. DiGiralomo and Cohen fight for Governor to follow law and create Drugs and Alcohol Programs Department: 1 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky If it is on the Internet, it has to be true. Where doctors get their information on your health: 1 Nov LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky 17 states tax candy at a higher rate than what they tax groceries. 31 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Several states moving are non-violent property crimes away from being felonies: 31 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky North Carolina using customized analytical software to analyze state pension risk and performance: 31 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Hawaii's Halloween scary tour: See where legislators haunt: 31 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Will the Senate Judiciary Committee hold hearings in New Hampshire? 30 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky The world's fifth largest economy: the U.S. health care system: 30 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky @sherikartz Talking to you, or Texas Tech University. 28 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky 30 states have legislation for creating transparency in hospital surgery costs: 25 Oct ACLU_VTAllen Gilbert Get A Warrant: Vermont police are looking at the state Health Department’s prescription drug database in a way t... 25 Oct Retweeted by LeonCzikowsky LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Prescription drug data bases prevent drug sale abuses: 25 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky RAND Institute retracts earlier study that claimed crime increases near medical marijuana centers: 25 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky New technology creates new debate: Should one use Siri while driving? 24 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Why our public utilities need you to call the coppers if you see someone stealing copper: 24 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Penna. is one of just seven states whose legislature is still in regular session. 22 Oct LeonCzikowskyLeon Czikowsky Official Penna. September 2011 unemployment rate was 8.3% 22 Oct